Grand Opening
Marianhill Community Center
On the morning of the 26th of March 2014 as streaky clouds filled the bright blue sky over the upper highway excitement built as banners were erected, Cafe Pronto cranked on their coffee machine and the team donned themselves in green and black for the event of first quarter of 2014.
After the completion of this project you would think the work would be done. But the work has just begun. Now Michelle, Joy and their interns will be making the effort to inject the message into the surrounding community, earning the respect of their leaders and become a centre that is trusted and will be able to help the community with counselling, addiction support, HIV Testing and other assistance that is required
The Marianhill community centre was first visualized in 2011 when Jes got a friend of hers to do an artists impression of the centre. The vision and focus of this centre may have sharpened but the motivation remains the same, create a safe place for survivors to facilitate education, awareness and support! Read more on the centre here.
The turnout was overwhelming as car after car pulled into the centre gates. For Trish (Project Manager) and Michelle (Head Trauma Counsellor & Vodacom Change the World Volunteer) this support is incredibly moving since they had poured blood, sweat and tears into the land and then the centre to realize a three year vision in just three months. Jes just keeps saying, thank you just does not cut it. The sponsors have been beautifully willing and so generous. We prefer to call them family, not sponsors.
Child Therapy Play Room
One of the two counselling rooms
Thank you to Adrian Shields Photography for these beautiful images.