Awareness Talks
“Awareness Talks” is an initiative of the Jes Foord Foundation that speaks out on behalf of all those who have been victims of rape, and seeks to remove the stigma attached to rape by making it an open conversation. These talks are greatly inclusive, are age appropriate and are given in English and Zulu in Durban and all over South Africa. Although rape is a very sensitive topic and can be triggering to survivors, making it part of normal conversation (but by no means normalizing it), allows for progress to be made. In addition, our Awareness Talks are meant to serve as a preventative tool in reducing secondary trauma and preventing these incidents from happening as much as possible.
- Knowing your rights
- What is rape
- What is consent
- Using your voice as a tool of self defense
- No means No
- What to do if you are raped
- The importance of counselling
- Thuthuzela Centres and the facilities available to survivors
To book an Awareness Talk with a school, workplace or organisation of your choice, please contact Trish, our project coordinator on [email protected] or call 0861-333-449 Monday to Friday.

What it costs the Foundation to deliver an Awareness Talk to one School or Organisation
The number of learners we have reached in the past 11 years to date