Hello August. Hello Women’s Month.
We’ve almost always run handbag drives for Women’s Month, but this month we are doing things a little differently…
Free trauma counselling is a huge part of our Foundation and every session costs us R470. These sessions are imperative to the survivors road to recovery and we would love to be able to help more women, children and men who have gone through these truly traumatic experiences.
Our free trauma counselling is offered to survivors of rape, molestation and sexual assault, as well as to family and loved ones affected by the trauma. During trauma counseling sessions, our trained counsellors’ main objective is the full restoration and healing of the survivor. Trauma counselling is available to survivors of any age and regardless of when the assault occurred.
This Women’s Month we’re asking YOU to #supportasurvivor by sponsoring either a single counselling session, or choosing to support their full healing journey. To support this drive, please visit our Donate page for banking details, our PayFast link or to scan our Zapper code.